The strict meaning of te word 'peal' in change ringing circles is
the ringing of at least 5000 different changes, from memory, at one go by one band of
ringers. Ballymena being a predominatly call-change tower until the 80's, has had only
seven such peals rung on its bells.
The first peal was of 5088 Cambridge Surprise Major, rung on Friday
September 11th, 1931, in three hours and 11 minutes. It was conducted by James Simpson
with Gabriel Lindoff ringing the sixth.
Date |
Method |
Comments |
1931, September 11 |
5088 Cambridge Surprise Major |
Conducted by J.C.E. Simpson |
1936, September 16 |
5024 London Surprise Major |
Conducted by George R. Pye |
1951, April 14 |
5040 Plain Bob Triples |
Conducted by J. T. Dunwoody |
1951, Nov 10 |
5056 Plain Bob Major |
Conducted by H. Brown |
1965, Oct 16 |
5040 Grandsire Triples |
Conducted by J. T. Dunwoody |
1983, Oct 28 |
5040 Plain Bob Major |
Conducted by A. S. Hudson |
1983, July 17 |
5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major |
Conducted by G. K. Dodd |
Another peal was rung in 1936, this being 5024 London Surprise
Major in 3 hours and 2 minutes with many famous names including Rupert Richardson,
George Pye, Leslie Morris and Ernest C. S. Turner.
Since the war ringers from the Northern District, Irish Association, rang
5040 Bob Triples in 1951, and 5056 Plain Bob Major later that same year. These were peals
no. 5 and 14 in the Northern Ireland Festival of Britain programme. 5040 Grandsire
Triples was rung in 1965 with Sam Letters of Ballymena ringing the tenor, presumably
the first Ballymena man to ring a peal. The only other peals on the bells are 5040 Plain
Bob Major in 1983, conducted by Andrew Hudson, and a peal by a visiting band from
England in July 1985 of 5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major, conducted by G. K. Dodd.